Listening / Writing / Speaking Practice (2)

(B2) ARE YOU A RISK TAKER? (This is the LINK!!!!)

In this engaging series of activities students will discuss different actions that involve taking risks. It aims at developing students’ communicative, listening and writing skills through the acquisition of new vocabulary. Follow the instructions below to do your work.

STEP 1: SPEAKING / WRITING based on visual prompts.

1.- Answer this question: What’s the most dangerous thing you’ve ever done?

2.- You are going to see different activities that involve taking risks. So, you have to discuss whether you would be willing to try them or not. Choose 5 activities and write reasons for your choice.Powered by emaze

STEP 2: VOCABULARY: Focus on any new words/expressions in handout 1 (Taking risks vocabulary). Translate unknown words into Spanish.

STEP 3: SPEAKING / WRITING: Answer questions in handout 2 by using new vocabulary in handout 1. Later, we´ll use your answers to discuss about taking risks in class.

STEP 4: LISTENING: “Free running or Parkour” (This is the LINK!!!). Try to improve your listening abilities. This time we are going to listen for specific vocabulary. Ready? Listen and write TRUE or FALSE.

STEP 5: WRITING: Write a “for and against essay” on one of these quotes:

  • “To know what life is worth you have to risk it once in a while”   -Jean- Paul Sartre
  • “The biggest risk is not taking any risk”    -Mark Zukerberg
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